Give to Buckman

Parent and community organizations support Buckman in a variety of ways, including fundraisers and events throughout the year. If you would like to make a gift to either the PTA or the Buckman Foundation, please see the information below.

For more information on how the Buckman PTA and the Buckman Foundation fund different needs at our school, visit the Fundraising Overview. If you have any questions, please send them to the PTA or the Foundation directly. Thank you for supporting Buckman!

Give to the PTA

The PTA engages the parent community to help in the classroom, support community projects, improve the school campus, organize donations for families in need, and fund raise for school supplies and events. In addition to donations, please consider becoming a PTA member for $9.50 (membership available at the same link). Payment to the ‘Buckman PTA’ may also be left in the office PTA mailbox or mailed to the school.

Give to or Join the PTA

Give to the Foundation

The Buckman Foundation is a parent volunteer-led organization that operates under the umbrella of the nonprofit Fund for Portland Public Schools. Money raised through the Buckman Foundation provides funds to fill the gap between the annual Portland Public Schools (PPS) budget and the funds needed to ensure Buckman is a welcoming and supportive place where all students learn, grow, and express themselves to their fullest potential. Submit your gift by selecting “Buckman Elementary School” in the drop-down menu on the donation page on the Fund for PPS website.

Give to the Foundation