This year marks the 28th annual Buckman Auction, taking place May 13 at 6pm at the Hinson. Celebrate our school and our community with a night of live music, food, drink, and, of course, bidding! As Buckman’s biggest fundraiser, the auction helps fund staffing to 
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#GivingTuesday ( is a worldwide celebration of giving that occurs each year after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The social media event, taking place this year on November 29, encourages people to give time, money or goods to causes or organizations they wish to support. 
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Bowl-A-Ween, one of Buckman’s most popular fundraisers, will take place on Sunday, October 30, 11am – 1pm at Grand Central Bowl. All lanes at the bowling alley will be reserved for Buckman families, so come ready to party! Arcade games on the upper level will 
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Hard to believe the time is here, but the Buckman Auction is happening this weekend! Don’t forget to pick up auction tickets before the big event on April 30 at the Hinson Baptist Church! House Spirits Distillery is offering a FREE DRINK to auction-goers who 
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The annual auction is just weeks away, and things are ramping up. The Buckman community does an amazing job each year of coming together to make this event super fabulous. Here are some simple volunteer opportunities for those looking to contribute to the school’s biggest 
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The Buckman Auction is less than a month away, and tickets to the event are now available online. The early-bird price of $30/ticket is only available for a short while; prices go up to $40/ticket on April 13! Get them now to secure your spot. 
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Know the difference between the Buckman Foundation and the Buckman PTA? Buckman is supported by two fundraising arms: the Buckman PTA and the Buckman Foundation. We have a diagram to help you understand the purpose, needs, and activities of these important organizations. Read more
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Good to Know INFO
Welcome to the 2023-24 school year! Learn more about how to get connected at Buckman.